- Factory automation System Design and Implementation; Automobiles
- Semiconductor Device; Precision Machine and Tool; Tribology; Robot; PLC; Hydraulic & Pneumatic Control System; Mechatronic Technology; Metrology
- Kim & Chang (Law Firm)
- Bae, Kim & Lee (Law Frim)
- Examiner in Korean Industrial Property Office
- Deputy Director in Electric railcar Repair and Maintenance Department of Korean National Railroad
- Senior Researcher at Factory Automation Department of Korea Productivity Center
- Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (M. S. in Mechanical Engineering)
- Seoul National University (B. S. in Mechanical Design and Production Engineering
Project Perfomane
- Design and Programming of mid-sole production line automation system
- SDesign and Programming of Calcium hydroxide production line automation system
- Studies on the stability of externally pressured air-lubricated porous journal bearing