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ROH, Seung Yil

  • - Container Crane, Shipbuilding, Automobiles, Power Plant,
    - Precision Machine and Tool, Mems, Turbine, Engine
    - The Technology of Vibration, Structure, Fatigue and Fracture
    - Life Evaluation of Industrial Equipments
  • - Researcher at Reserach & Development Center of Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co., Ltd.
    - Researcher at Changwon No, 1 Research Institute of Samsung Heavy Industries Co., LTD
  • - Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (M. S. in Mechanical Engineering)
    - Pusan National University (B. S. in Mechanical Engineering)
  • - "Development of thermal Stress Calculation Algorithm for Real Time Life Monitoring of High Temperature Components" The Korea society of Mechanical Engineers, 1999
    - "Algorithm Development of Real Time Thermal Stress Calculation for Monitoring the Life of Power Plant" The Korea society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998
    - "Mixed mode crack growth in SM45C and Z02-NKDT steel subjected to repeated impact and fatigue" Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 1994
    - "Crack propagation in plates under mixed-mode impact fatigue loading" Department of Mechanical Engineering KAIST, 1993